Month: March 2015

The man who made the difference – LKY

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I have known/read about this great man only very little before we moved to SG, but my knowledge and appreciation for this man has grown leaps and bounds over the years. He is the only politician who has inspired me so far in the 33 years of my life and the only politician for whom I shed tears and was engulfed in raw emotions when he passed away on the 23rd March 2015.

It has been a historic experience of emotions for me throughout the last 7 days for the great man Lee Kuan Yew, whom I have come to appreciate soooo much after being in Singapore for 10 yrs to date.

His dreams and the will to succeed as a nation is what that shaped Singapore! A little red dot that has been transformed into a force to reckon with forever! ! I have been fortunate enough to experience the difference he has made to this country, which I proudly call my second home!

The experience starts with first and foremost the safety – I can walk/take a cab ride in the streets all alone with no fear at anytime of the day/night, a super efficient, corruption free and organised system (which I believe as he believed is the key to Singapore’s succees) in every single thing that you can name and the list goes on…


Yuvan and myself managed to pay the last respects and a tribute at a community center. I teared as I wrote the message. I was pretty surprised at the message Yuvan wrote in a quick farewell card pressed for time and in the condolence book. I have never propagated my views to him, but I am glad he knew who LKY was and what he meant to Singapore and to us. He requested to stay for a little longer to watch his videos, and off course I readily agreed – Valuable life’s lessons!

Over the last week, I was fortunate to read/watch a lot about this great man LKY, every single thing made me respect him much more and I am sure I have learned a lot of life’s lessons from him!

He was not only a passionate great leader and a powerful orator- but also a good husband, a good father and a human being. I was bowled over by his dedication towards his wife!

What a Leader, what a ‘doer’ and Whatttt a Man! There won’t be another man like LKY again!

I am Grateful and Thankful! He has touched my family’s and my life indirectly! Respects and Salutes! 

A man, a leader

who inspired me!

A man, a leader

who will continue to inspire me!

A man, a leader

who has amazed me!

A man, a leader

Whom I will look upon as a role model!

A man, a leader

whom I will never forget!